I cordially thank all those who helped me with the project
We are sending our words from the heart to yours. Let them still be in our lives Christmas… Merry Christmas !
What a nice afternoon with my grandmas – gifts are wrapped, while we were singing songs and sharing Christmas cookies for the customers of the TESCO Bánovce n/B. ❤️❤️❤️ The senior citizen are happy when they are useful. Many thanks …
We are wrapping gifts, singing and spreading good mood Read More »
We went to visit the senior citizen in the hospices, surprising them with presents and poems, accompanied by Red cross old ladies.
“The experience of visited people are just milestones in time but it warmed their hearts and made deep psychical impact” – this message of granny Martuška about the visits to her peers went deep under my skin and watered my …
Every year senior Red cross ladies visit a special Christmas discount sale in the Archa hospice, organized by the great boss of this establishment Renata Streicher. You can find there unique artwork to decorate your house. This artwork is made …
Grandma Darinka wanted to visit A.S. Pushkin museum in Brodzany, so we together with her friend Agneška managed to use last November sunny day for a trip. The castle history, sound fallen leaves in the castle park, majestic trees made …
I would like to express my gratitude to the State secretary of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Ivan Švejna in the name of our family of senior citizen for visiting Banovce nad …
Spending Indian summer time with beautiful songs with grandma Martuška and Elenka, nobody can refuse to take part. If you like our activities to create a virtual family for lonely seniors please visit www.ludialudom.sk/vyzvy/5535 too
We are remembering our relatives who are no longer among us today. My deepest memory goes to my first adopted grandpa Tibor, whom I send a light of candle. He inspired me to start a project creating virtual FAMILY for …
Vnucka.sk received SENIOR FRIENDLY award, Our new friendship with Luna club and Bagar NGO who are yearly under the leadership pf PhDr. Miloš Nemeček presenting awards, for senior life improvement achievement, in Zichy palace Bratislava encouraged us. We are looking …
Despite of her age is granny Maria going out. She makes jokes about needing it so we visited her preferred hair-saloon and made a selfie with the owner Magduška. We made a hidden camera spy video too. Grandma Maria was …
These days we are celebrating our first anniversary of creating FAMILY for lonely senior citizen… October 9th 2018 stays in my memory forever, since I was not dreaming about it would be exactly a year of my first article about …
Grandpa Milan is in his 80ties, but he feels in the woods at home. I could not refuse the wish of my fairy tale grandpa – to go and have look for mushrooms in the last sunny days of this …
Into the woods with the experienced woodsman only Read More »
Many thanks to show participants Michal Hudák, Marian Čekovský, Juraj Soko Tabaček and Zdenka Studénková for guessing who I am and to Vlado Voštinár to confer the show amazingly and to be my ally. To all my supporters, who watched …
Many thanks to the Slovak Red Cross and their active senior ladies team from district Bánovce nad Bebravou. We made a splendid farewell to the summer of 2018 at the DSS Nitranska Streda. I am glad that because our grandma …
DSS Nitrianska Streda farewell to the summer of 2018 Read More »
One day I started to chat just about life on Facebook with unassuming, humble grandma Helenka from the eastern Slovakia. I was shocked when she told me her age. Helenka I wold be pleased to have coffee with you, I …
A nice day with grandma Anička and the book Soul of a Japan lady donated by coauthor Katarína Kopcsány and Denisa Ogino. Thank you Katka and Deniska for an excellent book, grandma was very interested in it.
This news gave us a big relief,… we won 1. place at the best social project of our region competition. Many thanks to everybody who voted for our Granddaughter project creating virtual FAMILY for lonely senior citizen. Pontis foundation announced …
We are 11254 times the best regional social project. Read More »
Did they guess what am I doing or not ? It was a challenge… You will find out by watching the broadcast of INKOGNITO. TV JOJ. Many thanks To Miško Hudák for a nice conversation after the show live recording …
On Friday the 18th of May me with grandmas Darinka, Elenka, Anka + Anka and Maria “invaded” local TESCO store. We captured all customer and employee with nice melodies played by Elenka. Everybody who voted for our project was awarded …
Doctor Darinka is amazing, well-informed, love and peace radiating woman. She is our family new member to make all senior citizen a better day. We are sending greetings form TESCO Bánovce shopping. We voted in the middle cylinder. Come and …
Beautiful day with piano music, producing chills. Many thanks to grandma Elenka!
One day my loved grandma Helenka form Košice very active on internet in her age, surprised me with question about one name from my original place of living. She was seeking her long lost family contacts. I started to investigate, …
Always elegant lady grandma Mária (85) has not only a beautiful smile but she has so much energy I almost was not able to keep up with her. We recharged with coffee and cakes, she often could not resist … …